Jens Klingenberg

Android Studio: ADB Idea

Posted on July 4, 2017  •  1 minutes  • 147 words
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Sometimes while developing you need to clear all your user data from your app. E.g when you want to test a fresh installation of your app. One way is to go to:

settings > app > your app > storage > Clear Data 

This is very annoying.

Another way is to use the adb to clear the data. But then you have to enter the specific adb commands.
ADB Idea from Philippe Breault is a plugin for Android Studio that makes it super easy to use the adb commands.

What can you do with it?

* Uninstall App * Kill App * Start App * Restart App * Clear App Data * Clear App Data and Restart

How to use it?

After the installation you find the plugin under: Tools->Android->ADB Idea menu


Or you can find the commands in Android Studio Quick Menu (osx: cmd+shift+a, windows/linux: ctrl+shift+a)


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